Tag Archives: The Lion’s Roar

Top 20 of 2012

Punch Brothers - Who's Feeling Young Now?

1. Punch Brothers – Who’s Feeling Young Now?
2. Japandroids – Celebration Rock 
3. Tropical Punk – Ends of the World 
4. John K. Samson – Provincial 
5. Flume – Flume
6. Frank Ocean – channel ORANGE 
7. Tame Impala – Lonerism 
8. Fiona Apple – The Idler Wheel…
9. Balmorhea – Stranger
10. The Mountain Goats – Transcendental Youth
11. Titus Andronicus – Local Business
12. Leonard Cohen – Old Ideas
13. The Men – Open Your Heart
14. The Avett Brothers – The Carpenter
15. Bob Dylan – Tempest
16. First Aid Kit – The Lion’s Roar
17. Miguel – Kaleidoscope Dream
18. Flying Lotus – Until the Quiet Comes
19. St. Lucia – St. Lucia EP
20. Yeasayer – Fragrant World

Honorable Mentions: People Get Ready, Grizzly Bear, Lucero, Black Moth Super Rainbow, The Tallest Man on Earth

Top 20 of 2012: 16. First Aid Kit – The Lion’s Roar

16. First Aid Kit – The Lion’s Roar

First Aid Kit - The Lion's RoarSisters Johanna and Klara Söderberg first came to our attention with a YouTube cover of “Tiger Mountain Peasant Song” by Fleet Foxes, sung in the woods of their native Sweden. It was wonderful, but it wouldn’t last, right?

Wrong. Now, two albums and an EP later, First Aid Kit aren’t going anywhere. Their sophomore LP, The Lion’s Roar, proves that the Söderberg sisters aren’t just a flash-in-the-pan Internet sensation; they’re the real deal.

The Lion’s Roar features contributions from James Felice (The Felice Brothers) and all three members of Bright EyesConor Oberst, Mike Mogis and Nate Walcott — but the sisters are at their best on their own. The album’s first single, “Emmylou,” is their best yet and definitely one of the year’s finest.

Back to Blogging

Wow. It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. There’s no real reason for my absence, but I decided an easy way to get back into it would be a post about what I’ve been doing instead of blogging lately.

Music is a huge part of my life, so I’m always listening to something. My favorite album of the moment has to be The Lion’s Roar by First Aid Kit. It’s much less stoic than their debut album, and I haven’t been able to get “Emmylou” out of my head for days. It’s beautiful from start to finish and keeps calling me back. Also, The Rolling Stones have been coming up a lot. I learned how to play “Start Me Up” and “Brown Sugar” on the guitar, and so I’ve been spinning some of my Stones favorites like Exile on Main Street, Some Girls and Sticky Fingers.

Ever since graduating college, I’ve rediscovered reading. Don’t ask my why I didn’t read that much in college. I have no clue. I recently read Colin Meloy’s awesome fantasy adventure Wildwood, and Dimitri Martin’s This Is a Book. Dimitri Martin is hilarious as always, but I still think the funniest book I’ve read in a long time — possibly ever — is Tina Fey’s Bossypants. If you haven’t read it, you really should. Now I’m reading a book called Women by a favorite of mine, Charles Bukowski. Like just about everything he ever wrote, Women is a sordid semi-autobiographical tale about Bukowski’s days drinking and sleeping around. So far, it’s just as good as his earlier novels like Post Office and Factotum.

The Oscars are this weekend, and so far I’ve seen all the major movies except Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I loved the book, but I’ve heard a lot of mixed things about the film. I’d have to say my favorite is either The Descendants or Midnight in Paris. The Artist was fantastic as well and is probably going to win Best Picture on Sunday. I’m also predicting Clooney (The Descendants) for Best Actor, Viola Davis (The Help) for Best Actress, Christopher Plummer (Beginners) for Best Supporting Actor, Octavia Spencer (The Help) for Best Supporting Actress and Midnight in Paris for Best Original Screenplay. Best Adapted Screenplay is between Moneyball and The Descendants (I’m leaning toward the latter), and Best Director will probably come down to Martin Scorsese (Hugo) and Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist), which seems too close to call but I’ll go with Scorsese.
Also, I’ve been watching The West Wing on DVD. It has to be one of the best things to air on television. I’m on season two now and I hope it doesn’t start to lose momentum. Boardwalk Empire is next on my list. I can’t wait to start that.

I just came back from my college’s alumni weekend. It was great to see a ton of friends. The bars were ridiculously crowded, but it was still fun. Plus, both the men’s and women’s basketball teams won their games in the senior night double header. The Bona women are now 25-2 and undefeated in their conference, and I got to see Andrew Nicholson play one more time as a Bonnie before, I hope, he goes pro next year.

So I apologize for my silence lately. I’ll try to keep the ideas flowing and the posts coming.